100 Top Tips: Microsoft Excel
Power up your Microsoft Excel skills with this powerful pocket-sized book of tips that will save you time and help you learn more from your spreadsheets.
07 December 2021
I've published ten new tutorials for Microsoft Excel, taken from my book 100 Top Tips: Microsoft Excel. If you've already downloaded the free PDF sampler, you'll recognise these. They're now online in HTML format, so it's easier to take a quick look at the book.
The book is aimed at anyone who uses Microsoft Excel and wants to be more effective with it. It's packed with ideas that will make it easier to enter and manage data, improve the accuracy of your spreadsheets, and enable you to learn more from your data. You can use the book as a reference tool on the desk beside you, including for common formulas, or you can read it through from start to finish to power up your skills. See the full table of contents.
The book is 10cm x 18cm, so you can tuck it in a pocket and read it on the go, or gift it as a stocking-filler at Christmas. The recommended retail price is £5.99. You can buy it from all good bookshops (ask them to order it in for you), and you can find links to buy the book in my shop here.
The new how-to guides cover:
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